
Supporting New Hampton

We appreciate your support of New Hampton School. As a mission-driven non-profit organization, we rely on the generosity of alumni, parents, and friends to help support the needs of the School and allow New Hampton to be a learning community for years to come.

The Fund for New Hampton

A strong and growing annual fund is an essential element in the overall financial sustainability of New Hampton School. The Fund for New Hampton represents eight percent of the School’s operating budget and supports initiatives across campus, including faculty salaries and professional development, financial aid, athletics, the arts, maintaining and updating facilities, and more.

Collective Giving

When trustees, alumni, parents, faculty, staff, and friends come together to contribute to New Hampton School, they demonstrate their shared commitment to the school's success. These collective efforts enable the administration to fund important initiatives, address pressing needs, and enhance the overall educational experience for students. Beyond financial contributions, all gifts, together, strengthen bonds within our community and ensure its continued growth and excellence.

Planned Giving

By including New Hampton School in your estate plans through bequests, trusts, life insurance policies, or other planned giving vehicles, you provide vital support for the school's long-term sustainability and growth. These gifts can establish endowments, fund scholarships, support faculty development, enhance facilities, or bolster specific programs, ensuring that future generations of students have access to a transformative education.

Endowment Funds

Supporting New Hampton School’s endowment is essential for securing our institution's long-term sustainability and excellence. Endowments provide a permanent source of funding that can support scholarships, faculty positions, academic programs, campus facilities, and other initiatives in perpetuity.
70 Main Street, New Hampton, NH 03256 603-677-3400
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